Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Medicaid Waiver Program 



The Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Medicaid Waiver is a Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) program, administered by the New York State Department of Health (DOH).

The TBI waiver uses Medicaid funding to provide support and services to assist individuals with a traumatic brain injury to live in the community of their choice. Waiver participants choose to participate in the waiver to prevent institutionalization.


Eligibility Requirements

  • Have active Medicaid coverage;

  • Be in need of nursing home level of care;

  • Have a diagnosis of TBI or related diagnosis;

  • Be between the ages of 18-64.

As a service coordination provider

As a service coordination provider we assist individuals with eligibility and prospective enrollment into the program. After the participant is enrolled we help them gain access to needed waiver and Medicaid State Plan services, as well as other local, state and federally funded educational, vocational, social, medical and any other services. These services are coordinated using a service plan specifically aimed to result in assuring the waiver participant's health and welfare and increasing independence, integration and productivity. Our agency will assist the participant in obtaining and coordinating the services that are necessary for them to return to or remain in the community (preventing placement into a nursing or institutionalized facility).

Waiver services we coordinate

Please note: These are the services directly under the NHTD Medicaid Waiver and the individual is still entitled to all other Medicaid, Medicare, non-Medicaid/Medicare federal, state and locally funded services, as well as educational, vocational, social, and medical services benefits as well (as long as there is no duplication of services). The individual will receive a broad range of services which will be coordinated with the Service Coordinator and included in the service plan.

TBI/HCBS Waiver Housing Funds- A monthly rental subsidy and assistance with utilities and certain one-time costs.

Assistive Technology (AT)- AT services directly assist in the selection, acquisition or use of an assistive device that is needed to maintain independence, access supports and services in the community.

Community Integration Counseling (CIC)- CIC services are designed to help individuals more effectively manage the emotional difficulties associated with adjusting to living in the community. CIC is a counseling service provided to those coping with altered abilities and skills, with the need to revise long term expectations and with changed roles in relation to significant others.

Community Transitional Services (CTS)- CTS are available to individuals transitioning from a nursing home back into the community. CTS assists individuals with the cost of moving, essential furnishing, deposits for utilities, and rental deposits.

Environmental Modifications Services Home/Vehicle (E-mods)- Environmental Modifications are internal and external physical adaptations to the home/vehicle, which are necessary to ensure your health, welfare, and safety.

Home and Community Support Services (HCSS)- HCSS provide oversight and/or supervision needed in order to keep the individual safe at home and in the community. HCSS also provides assistance or supervision with Activities of Daily Living (ADL) or Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (IADL).

Independent Living Skills Training (ILST)- ILST services are individually designed to improve and/or maintain the ability to live as independently as possible in the community. Some of the skills that the coordinator can help you learn and improve are self-care, medication management, task completion, communication skills, interpersonal skills, socialization, sensory/motor skills, and transportation skills, reduction of problematic behaviors, money management, problem- solving skills, vocational skills, and household maintenance.

Moving Assistance- Moving Assistance Services are individually designed services intended to pack and/or transport a waiver participant’s possessions and furnishings within the state of New York when they must move from an inadequate or unsafe housing situation to a viable environment that more adequately meets the waiver participant’s health and welfare needs. Moving Assistance may also be utilized when the waiver participant is moving to a location where there are more available resources and/or informal supports, thus allowing the waiver participant to remain in the community.

Nutritional Counseling/Educational Services- This service can help in the planning for the provision of food and drink appropriate for your nutritional needs.

Peer Mentoring- Peer Mentoring is an individually designed service intended to improve the waiver participant’s self-sufficiency, self-reliance, and ability to access needed services, goods, and opportunities in the community. This is to be accomplished through education, teaching, instruction, information sharing, and self-advocacy training. This service is for seniors and people with disabilities who are struggling to regain a self-satisfying life and may benefit from relating to another person who has been successful in this effort. A Peer Mentor is able to assist the waiver participant to overcome barriers that they may face in the community.

Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS)- PBIS are available to all participants experiencing significant behavioral difficulties that jeopardize their ability to remain safe in the community. After a life changing event, it is common for individuals to notice a change in the way they respond to stressors in their environment. Changes include sudden mood fluctuations, difficulty controlling anger, isolating from family and friends, increased impulsivity, challenges adapting to new environments, elopement, lack of motivation or initiation, lethargy, lack of follow through, and poor concentration.

Respite Services- Respite Services are provided to participants unable to care for themselves that are furnished on a short-term basis because of the absence or need for relief of those persons who normally provide care for the participant. Respite Services are individually designed services intended to provide scheduled relief to informal, non-paid supports who provide primary care and support to a waiver participant.

Structured Day Program (SDP)- SDP services provide individuals with the opportunity to improve social and cognitive skills in a supportive environment. Taking place Monday through Friday from 9am to 3pm, SDP offers a variety of different classes to meet the varying needs of individuals. Individuals have the opportunity to attend 1-5 days per week for full or half days. Some classes include, but are not limited to, art therapy classes, cognitive rehabilitation classes, discussion groups, physical education classes, computer classes, and much more. SDP also includes a variety of special events that provide individuals with increased opportunities to socialize with peers and build a strong support network.

Transportation Services (Social Transportation)- Waiver transportation (Social Transportation) is offered as a direct service to waiver participants to enable individuals to gain access to identified community resources, other community services, and activities as specified in their service plan. This service is offered in addition to medical transportation required under CFR 431.53 and transportation services under the Medicaid State Plan, defined in 42 CFR 440.170(a) (if applicable), and shall not replace them. NHTD waiver transportation services includes transportation only for non- medical activities which support the participant’s integration into the community.